Friday, April 16, 2010

Another 2.8 GONE :)

Dearest Blog:

Down another 2.8 this week. It feels great. Next week I'd like to be entering the 220's! I haven't been on that route for awhile... but I hope I don't overstay my welcome there either.

I've worked pretty hard this week, but not hard enough because I have been ZONKED from school wrapping up. I must establish some sort of regular exercise regime. I've really been procrastinating signing up for something.

That's right! I'm gonna KEEP ON TRUCKIN'!! Hope ya'll do the same.
See you soon!


  1. Wow, our starting weights, goal to lose 80, and current weights are SO SIMILAR!! only you're doing better then me ;) Congrats! Keep it up, girl!

  2. You're doing great... love the little graphic you used--perfect. Thought I'd come lurking other bloggers... not having such a great week and so I thought I would draw from others... just going to the well.

    Congratulations on the loss.

  3. Good job on the're doing FANTASTIC!!!!! :)
